Take the Night

Take the Night

Poster for the movie "Take the Night"
Poster for the movie "Take the Night"

Take the Night (2022)

PG-13 82 min - Drama, Crime, Thriller - 8 July 2022
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When a resentful brother organizes a prank kidnapping, he unwittingly hires career criminals who have plans of their own.

Director:  Seth McTigue
Writers:  Seth McTigue


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When a resentful brother organizes a prank kidnapping, he unwittingly hires career criminals who have plans of their own.

Collections: Seth McTigue

Tagline: Family over Fortune

Genres: Drama, Crime, Thriller


Official Website:  https://takethenight.com
Language:  English
Release Date:  8 July 2022

Box Office

Budget:  $1,000,000

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Samaco Productions, TDP FILMS, SM10 Films

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 22 min