

Poster for the movie "Memory"
Poster for the movie "Memory"

Memory (2022)

R 114 min - Action, Thriller, Crime - 28 April 2022
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Alex, an assassin-for-hire, finds that he's become a target after he refuses to complete a job for a dangerous criminal organization. With the crime syndicate and FBI in hot pursuit, Alex has the skills to stay ahead, except for one thing: he is struggling with severe memory loss, affecting his every move. Alex must question his every action and whom he can ultimately trust.

Director:  Martin Campbell
Writers:  Dario Scardapane


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Alex, an assassin-for-hire, finds that he's become a target after he refuses to complete a job for a dangerous criminal organization. With the crime syndicate and FBI in hot pursuit, Alex has the skills to stay ahead, except for one thing: he is struggling with severe memory loss, affecting his every move. Alex must question his every action and whom he can ultimately trust.

Collections: Martin Campbell

Tagline: His mind is fading. His conscience is clear.

Genres: Action, Thriller, Crime


Official Website:
Language:  English, German
Release Date:  28 April 2022

Box Office

Revenue:  $11,300,000

Company Credits

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 54 min