Bloody Axe Wound

Bloody Axe Wound

Poster for the movie "Bloody Axe Wound"
Poster for the movie "Bloody Axe Wound"

Bloody Axe Wound (2024)

83 min - Horror, Comedy - 27 December 2024
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Abbie Bladecut is a teenager torn between the macabre traditions of her family’s bloody trade and the tender stirrings of her first crush. In the small town of Clover Falls, Abbie’s father Roger has built an infamous legacy by capturing real-life killings on tape and selling them to eager customers, but as Abbie delves deeper into the grisly family business, she begins to wonder if it’s time to take the family tradition in a new direction.

Director:  Matthew John Lawrence
Writers:  Matthew John Lawrence


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Abbie Bladecut is a teenager torn between the macabre traditions of her family’s bloody trade and the tender stirrings of her first crush. In the small town of Clover Falls, Abbie’s father Roger has built an infamous legacy by capturing real-life killings on tape and selling them to eager customers, but as Abbie delves deeper into the grisly family business, she begins to wonder if it’s time to take the family tradition in a new direction.

Collections: Matthew John Lawrence

Tagline: High School Can Be A Killer

Genres: Horror, Comedy


Language:  English
Release Date:  27 December 2024

Box Office

Revenue:  $76,178

Company Credits

Production Companies:  RLJE Films, Off Label HV

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 23 min