Alone in Venice

Alone in Venice

Poster for the movie "Alone in Venice"
Poster for the movie "Alone in Venice"

Alone in Venice (2025)

84 min - Romance, Drama - 7 January 2025
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A young man who has fallen in love with a married director is waiting for her in Venice, Italy as she is raising funds to make a film in Italy. The longer he waits the more he thinks about what is love and the relationship between the director and himself. Finally they meet in the middle of a bridge above the canal to talk and resolve their conflicts as Venice is flooding in November.​

Director:  Jules East
Writers:  Jules East


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A young man who has fallen in love with a married director is waiting for her in Venice, Italy as she is raising funds to make a film in Italy. The longer he waits the more he thinks about what is love and the relationship between the director and himself. Finally they meet in the middle of a bridge above the canal to talk and resolve their conflicts as Venice is flooding in November.​

Collections: Jules East

Genres: Romance, Drama


Official Website: 
Language:  English
Release Date:  7 January 2025

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Jules East Productions

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 24 min