Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, and the rest of the ‘Star Trek’ cast are returning to the big screen thanks to Paramount.

Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, and the rest of the ‘Star Trek’ cast are returning to the big screen thanks to Paramount.

Star Trek 4 Announced

Since the box office failure of ‘Star Trek Beyond,’ the big screen flagship of the ‘Trek’ series has been loitering in Spacedock, unsure of which path to chart. Now, though, it looks that Paramount is preparing to fire up the warp engines once more, with Chris Pine and the rest of the present crew frantically negotiating to return. The announcement came as part of Paramount’s Investors Day presentation.

The most exciting news is the possibility of a comeback for the ‘Star Trek’ crew that initially boarded the USS Enterprise in J.J. Abrams’ 2009 reboot of the franchise.

For a time, it seemed as if Pine’s Captain Kirk, Zachary Quinto’s Spock, Zoe Saldana’s Uhura, Karl Urban’s Dr. McCoy, John Cho’s Sulu, and Simon Pegg’s Scotty would never return to the ultimate frontier, but Paramount is currently working feverishly to resurrect them.

The announcement was made by Abrams himself. “We are thrilled to say that we are hard at work on a new ‘Star Trek’ film that will be shooting by the end of the year that will be featuring our original cast and some new characters that I think are going to be really fun and exciting and help take ‘Star Trek’ into areas that you’ve just never seen before,” he said. “We’re thrilled about this film, we have a bunch of other stories that we’re talking about that we think will be really exciting, so can’t wait for you to see what we’re cooking up. But until then, live long and prosper.”