Hi Everyone, BOC started from a blog I used to write. The blog, “Spark The Web”, was mostly my take on typically news of the time, back in 2003. It was a pretty popular blog then and I sort of missed the feeling of bringing an my point of view to the world about subjects and such. I choose this genre because I just enjoy watching movies and not just the movies, but every aspect of them from crew to A-list actor. Anyway I can bring them joy to other people by getting them the information the need to have a good “Box Office” or streaming experience, I want to do that.
So that is the true purpose of this site. We are not trying to compete with Screenrant or Looper but if we can reach a few people at a time, we have done our job.
So look around and if your reading this, then I have to thank you because I have done what I set out to do with this website and keep you interested enough to watch the movies I love so much and the actors I admire.