Netflix Is Going To Make You Pay For Your Password

Netflix Is Going To Make You Pay For Your Password

Netflix Is Going To Make You Pay

Netflix Is Going To Make You Pay…again. Not only did Netflix raise their monthly rate, but they are going to make their users pay for sharing users passwords with family members.

In the statement, Netflix said: “Members on our Standard and Premium plans will be able to add sub accounts for up to two people they don’t live with – each with their own profile, personalized recommendations, login and password – at a lower price.”

The testing will begin in Chile, Costa Rica and Peru first at these costs: 2,380 CLP in Chile, 2.99 USD in Costa Rica, and 7.9 PEN in Peru.

“Members on our Basic, Standard, and Premium plans can enable people who share their account to transfer profile information either to a new account or an Extra Member sub account – keeping the viewing history, My List, and personalized recommendations.”

“We’ll be working to understand the utility of these two features for members in these three countries before making changes anywhere else in the world.”

“A spokesperson for the company said:”We have always been focused on providing our members both quality and clear value for their membership.

“Our updated prices reflect the investment we have made in our service and catalogue, and will allow us to continue making the series, documentaries and films our members love as well as investing in talent and the creative industry.”

“We offer a range of plans so members can choose a price that works best for them.”