Felony charges were brought against Netflix for promoting the “lewd” visual material “against the peace and dignity of the state.” The indicted referred to the movie “Cuties” a french made film released in September. The move on Netflix’s part to make this film available resulted in users dropping service with the streaming giant.
The initial reaction to this film wasn’t very negative mostly related to the sexualizing of the main characters that are young as 11 years old. The indictment’s specific location was out of Tyler County, Texas. Other strong statements related to the case were as follows:
“depicts the lewd exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of a clothed or partially clothed child who was younger than 18 years of age” for the “prurient interest in sex.”
The prosecuting attorney in the case Lucas Babin said “The legislators of this state believe promoting certain lewd material of children has destructive consequences,” and followed that statement up with “If such material is distributed on a grand scale, isn’t the need to prosecute more, not less? A grand jury in Tyler County found probably cause for this felony, and my job is to uphold the laws of this state and see that justice is done.”
Looks like this prosecutor means business we will wait and see. The follow up for this news blurb will probably be “who goes to jail?” We will probably see some kind of distribution order come through though.